Hearing Aid Styles

Hearing aid styles vary by size, their placement on or inside the ear, and the degree to which they amplify sound.

Behind-the-ear (BTE):

This style of hearing aid comprises of a hard plastic case making it less susceptible to moisture and damage. They are worn behind the ear and connected to a plastic custom earmold that fits inside the outer ear, allowing sound to travel from the hearing aid through the earmold and into the ear. They are versatile because they are used by people of all ages for mild to profound hearing loss. BTE’s are longer in shape but can generally house more features such as wireless connectivity, rechargeability, and controls that can be managed using an app on a smart phone (Bluetooth). They are available in flashier designs and different colours to match a person’s skin tone or hair colour.



Receiver-in-canal (RIC):

RIC’s are similar to a BTE hearing aid with the added benefit of being smaller and less noticeable. It provides an open-fit style preventing the “plugged-up” feeling and has the speaker built into an insertable ear dome or custom tip/mold instead of the main body of the hearing aid.  In other words, the speaker of the hearing aid rests in the ear canal, but the microphone and processor sit in a tiny case behind the ear and are connected by a thin wire. The benefit of this hearing aid style is that if it gets damaged, the speaker portion of the hearing aid that fits in the ear can often be replaced at the hearing aid clinic instead of having to be sent to the manufacturer for repair. Like BTE’s, they are available in a variety of colours and come equipped with wireless, rechargeability, and  Bluetooth connectivity with mobile devices in addition to telecoil options. This type of hearing aid would be suitable for those diagnosed with a mild to severe hearing loss.


In-the-ear (ITE):

As the name suggests, no part of this hearing aid sits behind the ear. Instead, a custom fit is obtained using an impression that is taken by your hearing care professional. The case holding the electronic components is made of hard plastic. They are worn in the ear canal and are used for mild to severe hearing loss. Like other hearing aids this type of hearing aid can be customised to one’s skin tone and great for those who have dexterity issues. Depending on your needs ITE’s are available with rechargeable or disposable batteries.




In-the-canal (ITC):

Much like an ITE hearing aid, this type of hearing aid sits in the lower portion of the outer ear bowl, making them comfortable and easy to use. It is made to fit the size and shape of a person’s ear canal using a custom impression and can be tailored to match a patient’s skin tone. Since they are slightly larger than IIC (invisible-in-the-canal) and CIC (completely-in-the-canal) styles, they tend to have a slightly longer battery life to accommodate mild to moderately severe hearing losses. Their size also allows them to host additional features such as directional microphones for better understanding in noisy environments and manual controls, such as a volume wheel, if desired. However, handling may be an issue for individuals with dexterity challenges while also having less space available for batteries and additional features such as telecoil and Bluetooth.


Completely-in-the-canal (CIC):

For those with a mild to moderately severe hearing loss, if size and aesthetics are your priorities then this type of hearing aid ticks the boxes while fitting inside the ear canal. Others may not even notice the small hearing aid unless they look directly into the ear canal. They can be made even more discreet by customising the colour to match skin tone. The smaller size also means that the hearing aid works automatically without the need of controllers. Its components are housed within a single plastic shell that fits in the ear canal. As a result of their small size, not only do they lack features that can be found on other types of hearing aids, such as rechargeable batteries or Bluetooth streaming capabilities for music or phone calls, but they are also vulnerable to earwax and moisture buildup.



Invisible-in-the-canal (IIC):

Available in skin tone colours, this hearing aid is by far the smallest and the most discreet compared to the ITC (in-the-canal) and CIC (completely-in-the-canal) hearing aids, but not equipped with manual controls due to their proximity in the ear canal and is not appropriate for a candidate with dexterity matters. Suitable for an individual with a mild to moderate hearing loss, they are placed very deeply in the ears and removed by tugging on a small pull-out string. Although sound quality is improved and wind noise interference is minimized, the likelihood of vulnerability to earwax and moisture buildup increases. Due to their small size this hearing aid is limited in space and does not include features that can be readily available on other types of hearing aids such as rechargeable batteries or wireless connectivity for music and phone calls and directional microphones, which allows the wearer to change the microphone focus.


Main  hearing aids  brands are: Phonak, Starkey, Signia and Widex.  Each of these brands offer high quality and advanced technology so by hearing aid evaluation and fitting we can help you enhance your communication and manage your hearing loss.

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