Hearing Aid Evaluation & Fitting

At Hearing Help Canada, we offer a variety of hearing aid styles from most of the top-ranked and leading brands in hearing technology. Our approach to hearing loss management is based on a comprehensive rehab model rather than purely hearing aid sales. Our recommendations are objective and based on technical knowledge, expertise, and clients’ needs, not on market or commercial forces.

We offer this range of hearing aid technology because they best serve our patients. Each of these brands offer high quality and advanced technology so we can help you enhance your communication and manage your hearing loss.

  • Hearing aids with Bluetooth technology
  • Android and iPhone compatible hearing aids
  • Hearing aids with artificial intelligence for health tracking (Body Tracking, Brain Tracking, Fall Detection and Alerts)
  • Rechargeable and regular battery Hearing Aids
  • Waterproof hearing aids

For more information you can see Modern hearing aid features.

Hearing Help Canada works with all  main  hearing aids  brands such as: PhonakStarkeySignia and  Widex.

We are providers for Veteran’s Affairs Canada (VAC or formerly DVA), Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB or formerly WCB), Assistive Devices Program of Ontario (ADP), Ontario Disability and Support Program (ODSP), and Green Shield Canada (gsc) among others.

The Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care’s Assistive Devices Program does provide some funding for hearing aids for residents of Ontario.